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ORGANIC Golden milk

Golden milk
EU Bio
  • Powder mix with 100 % organic ingredients
  • For approx. 60 portions (4 grams each)
  • for the preparation of golden milk
  • with turmeric, Ceylon cinnamon and nutmeg
  • Preparation with almond or oat milk
  • Also as an ingredient for smoothies and bowls
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from 351 ratings
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9,90 €*
250 g
39,60 € / 1 kg
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
Golden milk powder mix

Our Golden Milk spice blend is a powder mixture made from selected, plant-based ingredients from purely organic cultivation. It contains ground turmeric root, aromatic Ceylon cinnamon, ginger, spicy nutmeg, cardamom and a hint of black pepper. Thanks to the combination of valuable spices, Golden Milk not only has an invigorating and vitalizing effect, but also tastes exceptionally spicy and aromatic.

What is golden milk? Golden milk, also known as turmeric latte or turmeric latte, is a popular hot drink from Ayurvedic healing cuisine. The valuable ingredients are produced gently and in raw food quality. Preparation is simple: mix one teaspoon (approx. 4 grams) of the powder with 200 ml of warm, frothed oat or almond milk. Mix with honey, agave syrup or coconut blossom sugar to taste. The powder also harmonizes with freshly squeezed orange juice or smoothies. Also perfect as an ingredient in a breakfast bowl with yogurt and fresh fruit.

Golden yellow and spicy: the turmeric root

The special thing about golden milk is its turmeric content. The Far Eastern ginger plant has been an integral part of the spice rack for thousands of years and is better known in this country as a spice in Southeast Asian dishes. While ginger is primarily known for its intense and pungent taste, turmeric root tastes milder and less intense in comparison and differs from the visually similar ginger root mainly due to its spicier taste. The golden yellow powder from the turmeric root is said to have many beneficial properties in Ayurvedic cuisine, including an anti-inflammatory effect.

Different types of preparation

The popular golden milk is traditionally prepared on the basis of plant-based drinks, such as oat milk or almond milk. Alternatively, soy milk can also be used. Cow's milk is not recommended. In most recipes, the addition of one teaspoon of almond oil per cup is recommended.

If you want to give the Golden Milk an exotic touch, you can also use a spoonful of coconut oil or one of our sweet almond spice oils instead of adding a spoonful of almond oil: Cinnamon Almond Seasoning Oil or Vanilla Almond Seasoning Oil.

The powder mixture also tastes good in juices and smoothies.



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from Kerstin Soentgen at 13.10.2023
Geschmacklich sehr gut, wenn auch leicht scharf. Ich benötige deutlich weniger Pulver als angegeben. Dass sich das Pulver leicht absetzt liegt in der Natur der Sache und so hilft nur schnell trinken oder immer wieder rühren.
from Brigitte Griesbach at 27.03.2022
Mir schmeckt die goldene Milch sehr gut, weil ich die Zutaten wie Kurkuma, Kardamom, Pfeffer usw. sehr liebe,ist aber wie ich festgestellt habe. nicht jedermanns Sache. Mussman einfach mal für sich ausprobieren.
from Martina Behrens at 08.12.2022
Die "fertige" Mischung ist praktisch. Ich verwende sie in Haferdrink. Allerdings vermisse ich die in der Produktbeschreibung erwähnte Schärfe. Daher füge ich frischem Ingwer (oder ein paar Chiliflocken) hinzu.
from Natalie Germer at 22.11.2023
Sehr leckere Mischung. Ich trinke sie mit Hafermilch. Ich persönlich nehme immer etwas weniger als die Mengenangabe vorgibt. Was etwas schade ist, ist das sich das Pulver nicht komplett auflöst.
from Susanne Trappe at 19.01.2023
Leckere Mischung, löst sich auch gut in jeder Art von Milch, hat allerdings für meinen Geschmack etwas zu viel Pfeffer. Aber ich nehme dann halt einfach etwas weniger pro Tasse... ;)
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