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ORGANIC Sesame seed oil


Sesame seed oil
EU Bio
Non EU agriculture
  • gently cold-pressed from mildly roasted sesame seeds
  • from 100 % certified organic production
  • intense taste and aroma of sesame
  • ideal for Asian and oriental dishes
  • suitable for short frying
4,88 of 5 stars
from 793 ratings
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Sesame seed oil 100 ml
100 ml 4,90 €
Sesame seed oil 250 ml
250 ml 7,90 €
4,90 €*
100 ml
49,00 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
7,90 €*
250 ml
31,60 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
Roasted sesame seeds

Our roasted sesame oil is gently cold-pressed from mildly roasted organic sesame seeds. Thanks to a particularly gentle roasting process, however, we avoid over-roasting the sesame oil and the valuable ingredients are retained. The proportion of virgin sesame oil is still at least 50%, as we only partially roast the sesame seeds. The resulting mild roasted flavor gives the sesame oil its unmistakable character.

Sesame oil in fine cuisine

Our cold-pressed sesame oil is suitable for quick frying and warming dishes. It gives Asian dishes a typical, strong flavor. Sesame oil is particularly ideal for stir-frying vegetables and tofu. Of course, the oil made from virgin or roasted sesame seeds can also be used for cold dishes and tastes perfect as a dressing for papaya and mango salad, for example.


Thanks to its nutty roasted flavor, this sesame oil is particularly suitable for enhancing the flavor of warm Asian dishes. It can also be used for quick frying at temperatures up to 180 °C.


Pumpkin ragout with lentils

Pumpkin ragout with lentils

Recipe for pumpkin ragout with lentils, Egyptian black cumin seed oil and sesame seed oil. The dressing made from black cumin seed oil, lemon juice and honey creates an oriental aroma. zum Rezept
Algae salad with sesame and chili

Algae salad with sesame and chili

Simple recipe for algae salad with wakame algae and omega DHA oil. Refined with lemon juice, sesame seeds and chili pepper. Ideal as a starter or as side dish for sushi or fish. zum Rezept
Leaf spinach with tofu

Leaf spinach with tofu

Vegetarian Asian tofu pan with fresh leaf spinach. Refined with our Chinese Five Spices coconut spice oil. Easy and quick low carb recipe with spicy aroma. zum Rezept


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from Christine Graf at 19.04.2022
Dieses Bio Sesamöl hat einen einzigartigen Geschmack ist hoch erhitzbar und schmeckt perfekt zu Wokgerichten - selbst für Rucola Salat habe ich es schon verwendet und Bananen habe ich damit angeröstet - super lecker - es ist so vielseitig verwendbar - habe mir erstmal 100ml zur Probe bestellt - aber demnächst gönne ich mir... mehr >>
die grosse Flasche - dieses tolle Öl muss man einfach haben
from Sarah Bonzanin at 29.12.2020
Zum Probieren die optimale Menge und ein sehr gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis. Das Öl selbst hält die optimale Balance zwischen Eigenaroma und mildem Basisöl für die asiatische Küche. Gerade in Salaten oder zum Würzen von Tofu ist das Sesamöl ideal und extrem schmackhaft. Hier werden definitiv größere Mengen... mehr >>
from Evelyne Fritz at 27.01.2021
Das Sesamöl habe ich vor einiger Zeit von meiner Freundin geschenkt bekommen und war sehr begeistert - super lecker! Da ich nun ein Geschenk für eine Freundin benötigte, habe ich mich für die Granatapfel Essigcreme entschieden, da ich diesen auch von meiner Freundin vor kurzem geschenkt bekam und ich den so toll fand!
from Katrin Dippe at 30.08.2022
Dieser Geschmack lässt mich in Gedanken sofort nach Asien reisen - und holt mir die leckere Küche aus dem Osten auf meinen Herd. Beispielsweise brate ich damit Pak Choi an, ein bisschen Chili und Knoblauch und Sojasauce dazu, und fertig ist eine schnelle Gemüsebeilage für ein Homeoffice-Mittagessen.
from Susanne Mai at 15.07.2021
Sehr fein! Ich nehme es entweder zum Anbraten von Curry-Gemüse oder kürzlich zum Braten von Falafel, sehr lecker. Oder ein paar Tropfen auf das fertige Gericht... Dann noch Sesamsaat mit Salz und Sonnenblumenkernen in einer Pfanne rösten und darüber streuen.... mhhhmmm
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Specification and ingredients

Sesame seed oil

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

3700 kJ / 900 kcal
100 g
14,2 g
39,1 g
46,7 g
0 g
    of which Sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Sesame seed oil, certified organic


9 - 12 months


Store in a cool and dark place.

Fatty acids diagram

saturated fatty acids
14,2 g
monounsaturated fatty acids
39,1 g
diunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6)
45,7 g
triple unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3)
1 g

Botanical name: Sesamum indicum

The sesame seeds for our cold-pressed sesame oil come from controlled organic cultivation certified according to BIO VO 834/2007 and VO 1235/2008.

Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 of the European Parliament restricts nutrition and health claims made on foods. As of December 12, 2012, it is no longer permitted to refer to the nutritional and physiological effects of foods and food supplements. (Only the pharmaceutical industry is now allowed to do this. )

READING TIP: If you would like to find out more about vegetable oils, please refer to the following publications and websites:

- www.systemed.de
o Positive things about fats and oils ISBN 978-3-942772-57-0
- www.olionatura.de

Please note:
The (press) legal responsibility for all content lies exclusively with the respective authors or writers/webmasters. We assume no liability for their correctness or their compliance with all relevant legal regulations.

Recipes: www.chefkoch.de

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