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ORGANIC Red wine vinegar

Red wine vinegar
EU Bio
EU agriculture
  • from high-quality, selected red wines
  • produced in the artisan tradition
  • Light and multi-faceted taste
  • for refining leaf salads, sauces and dips
  • approx. 6 % acidity
4,82 of 5 stars
from 326 ratings
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Red wine vinegar 250 ml
250 ml 3,90 €
3,90 €*
250 ml
15,60 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

This red wine vinegar is made from high-quality, selected wines. Carefully produced with traditional craftsmanship, it is suitable for everyday use in the kitchen and is excellent for preparing colorful leaf salads, for refining meat dishes, especially game, and dark sauces. We also particularly recommend it for pickling sauerbraten. With its spicy grape note, red wine vinegar is also suitable for seasoning beet salads and for preparing savory dips. The acidity is around 6 percent.

Traditional production thanks to the vinegar mother

If you discover a cloudy, jelly-like mass in an opened bottle of vinegar after a while, this does not mean that it is spoiled. On the contrary, it is a good sign of a traditionally produced and unpasteurized vinegar: A so-called "vinegar mother" is forming. This is what experts call the important acetic acid bacteria that convert alcohol into acetic acid with the help of oxygen. When a vinegar is opened, these natural little helpers can become active again under certain circumstances.

Vinegar in fine cuisine

Our fine vinegars and mill-fresh oils can be used to prepare vinaigrettes in endless variations. The basic recipe is very simple: 1 part vinegar, 3 parts oil and salt and pepper to taste. Our vinegars are also ideal for seasoning soups and sauces and wherever a touch of acidity is needed to add an extra accent. Tip: A splash of apple, sour cherry or blackcurrant vinegar in mineral water is particularly refreshing and thirst-quenching.


Lentil salad

Lentil salad

Lentil salad is a good alternative to common lettuce salads. Wheat germ oil highlights the grain-like taste of lentils. Apple adds a fruity aroma. zum Rezept


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from Regina Bertrang at 05.09.2020
Der Essig ist toll, schmeckt fruchtig und mild. Mir ist es zudem wichtig, Alternativen zum unappetitlich/unübersichtlichen Riesenkomplex "Lebensmittelindustrie" zu stützen. Allerdings finde ich den Versandkarton zu aufwendig. Das geht sicher auch mit weniger Geschenk-Appeal bruchfest und kostengünstig. Ich finde es immer... mehr >>
bedauerlich, schöne Dinge im Altpapier zu entsorgen. Darum der Stern-Abzug.
from Kathrin Marks at 13.08.2022
Der Essig gefällt mir eigentlich sehr gut. Er schlägt nur ein bisschen schnell um, wenn er in eine Dosierflasche (Essig / Öl-Set) umgefüllt wird. Dann fängt er an zu gären, obwohl ich wirklich drauf achte, dass alles sauber ist. Trotzdem bin ich von der Qualität und dem Geschmack sehr angetan.
from Heike Lange at 30.10.2022
Schmeckt gut! Normalerweise nehme ich immer Ponti, aber der Rotweinessig von der Ölmühle Solling wird in Bio-Qualität angeboten.
from Marc Weinand at 29.05.2021
Interessanter kräftiger Geschmack, muss ich noch ein wenig mit herum experimentieren, um die passenden Rezepte zu finden.
from Brigitte Schmitz at 28.05.2023
super Essig für Salate und eventuell auch zum abschmecken von der Bratensoße
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Specification and ingredients

Red wine vinegar

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

89 kJ / 19 kcal
0 g
0 g
0 g
    of which Sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0,05 g

Acid content
6 %

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Red wine vinegar, certified organic

Storage advice

May contain traces of sulfur dioxide and sulfites.




Store in a cool and dark place.

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