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Ginger powder

Ginger powder
  • from controlled organic cultivation in India
  • gently dried and finely ground
  • spicy ginger flavor
  • popular in Ayurvedic applications and Chinese medicine
  • all-natural, vegan and lactose-free
  • ideal for cooking and for preparing tea and smoothies
4,82 of 5 stars
from 139 ratings
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12,90 €*
500 g
25,80 € / 1 kg
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
Ginger powder

Ginger, also known as ginger, imber, periwinkle or ginger root, is a plant species of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The main underground shoot of ginger (also known as ginger rhizome) is used as a culinary spice or medicine.

Our ginger powder is produced gently and in raw food quality from organically grown ginger roots. The roots come from India and are peeled after harvesting, gently dried at a maximum temperature of 40 °C and ground into a fine powder. The gentle production process preserves the valuable ingredients and natural taste in their best form. Ölmühle Solling's organic ginger powder is 100% natural, free from additives, vegan and lactose-free. Thanks to its resealable, airtight bag, the ginger powder has a long shelf life and the valuable ingredients are reliably protected.

Ginger in the kitchen

Ginger has been considered a true all-rounder in China and India for thousands of years. It has been used there ever since as a stimulant, food ingredient, flavoring agent, remedy and all-round remedy for maintaining health and prevention. In India, it is hard to imagine life without ginger, which is now used in almost every Indian dish. Did you know, for example, that ginger is an integral part of every curry powder?

Our ginger powder stands out with its spicy-sweet, spicy-hot taste and turns out to be a true all-rounder in the kitchen. The spicy powder not only goes down well in Asian dishes. It is also used for cooking soups or preparing fish. When baking, e.g. in combination with cinnamon or to refine rice pudding, fruit salad or smoothies, ginger powder adds that special spice. It is best to add it at the end of the preparation, as ginger powder releases its aroma quickly and cooking with it, for example, can make the flavor and spiciness very dominant.

Ginger and turmeric in comparison

Turmeric powder and ginger powder

While ginger is primarily known for its intense and pungent taste, turmeric root tastes milder and less intense in comparison and differs mainly in its slight bitterness.

Turmeric is also known as turmeric or Indian saffron. The root belongs to the ginger family and looks very similar to ginger root. When peeling the two similar roots, it is noticeable that turmeric has a more intense, bright yellow color, the pigment curcumin. The peeled ginger root is pale yellow in comparison.


Ginger powder is ideal for preparing smoothies and tea, as an ingredient in curries and Asian dishes.

Once opened, the powder should be used quickly and always stored in a cool, dark place away from oxygen. We offer our turmeric powder in a practical, resealable zipper bag. The powder may contain traces of cereals containing gluten.



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from Roland Krämer at 05.12.2020
Das gelieferte Pulver riecht und schmeckt nicht nach Ingwer und ist selbst in absurder Dosierung nicht scharf. Es ist auch nicht leicht klumpig (wie hier auf der Webseite abgebilded) sondern rieselt wie feiner Sand. Das ist seltsam, denn Ingwerpulver ist aufgrund der ätherischen Öle immer etwas klumpig - im Gegensatz zu... mehr >>
Kurkumapulver. Ich halte dieses Pulver für den Rückstand, der übrig bleibt, wenn man Ingwerextrakt herstellt.
from Andrea Baumgart at 27.06.2023
Das Produkt finde ich sehr gut, auch dass die Verpackung wieder verschließbar ist. So bleibt das Pulver länger frisch. Auch die Probierprobe des Zwiebelgewürzöls hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Werde ich bestimmt noch bestellen.
from Jonathan Böttcher at 17.09.2020
Ich habe das Ingwerpulver bis jetzt noch nicht gekostet, da ich noch vorhandenes aufbrauchen möchte. Ich gehe aber davon aus, dass es mindestens genau so gut ist, wie alle Produkte, die ich von der Ölmühle Solling beziehe!
from Sabine Moczygemba at 11.09.2023
Erst kürzlich entdeckt und schon wieder bestellt, weil es sehr ausgewogen im Geschmack ist, damit zu vielem passt und es ist auch sehr praktisch, Mut dem Pulver den Ingwer immer um Haus zu haben!
from Steffi Kluß at 11.12.2020
Mußte mich erst daran gewöhnen, obwohl ich frischen Ingwer sehr mag. Auf jeden Fall hat man immer Ingwer zur Hand, wenn man ihn braucht. Werde demnächst noch einiges ausprobieren.
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