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Naturland Zertfiziert
  • Organic linseed from Germany
  • best Naturland quality
  • 99.9 % purity
  • rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • vegan and free from additives
  • nutty taste and easy to digest
  • in a light-protected, resealable bag
4,95 of 5 stars
from 526 ratings
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4,90 €*
500 g
9,80 € / 1 kg
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
Linseed in the hand

The special thing about our Naturland organic linseed is its high content of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid. They also contain valuable mucilage. These mucilage substances, which are found in the seed husks of linseed, act as a kind of swelling agent. In combination with water, they swell up and stimulate digestion in a natural way. Due to this effect, linseed is used as a herbal remedy for constipation - similar to ground psyllium husks. Another superpower of linseed is its high content of water-soluble fiber.

We source our Naturland linseed from regional organic farms in Germany. They are ideal as an ingredient in muesli or salads. Linseed is also suitable for bread and baked goods. Please always ensure that you drink a sufficient amount of liquid with the linseed.

Important omega-3 fatty acids

Dietary habits in Western countries have changed over the last century. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the diet has shifted from around 3:1 originally to almost 20:1 today. Among other things, this is due to the regular consumption of ready meals or a diet that is too one-sided. The food industry often uses refined edible oils and fats in the production of food. Margarine and hydrogenated fats are used in preparation, which lead to a long-term increase in omega-6 fatty acids in the body.

The balance between the two fatty acids has a decisive influence on the function and metabolism of the cells in the human body. Omega-6 fatty acids are said to promote inflammation and omega-3 fatty acids to have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Both modes of action are essential for the body, but the right ratio is important for sustainable health. Organic linseed and organic linseed oil are ideal for restoring the right balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

The history of flax

LinseedLinseed should only be ground shortly before consumption

The flax plant, also known as flax, is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world and has been cultivated for thousands of years. Flax, recognizable by its blue flowers, is an annual plant. Traditionally, it also plays a prominent role in our culture, recognizable by the fact that many expressions from flax or flax processing have found their way into everyday language: Whether we are happily flaxing around, losing the thread or taking a trip into the blue - the origin of all these terms lies in the laborious processing of the stalks of flax into linen.

Flax has also been highly valued for thousands of years for its edible seeds: Linseed provides the body with essential fatty acids and fiber. In the past, almost every village had its own oil mill and traders used to roam the streets selling fresh oil. As the oil is extremely sensitive to heat and light, it quickly lost its importance in the course of industrialization. Linseed oil is too perishable for large-scale production and is not durable enough to be traded over long distances. At Ölmühle Solling, the precious oil is therefore pressed fresh from the mill every day and always in small batches.

Crushed or uncrushed linseed

As soon as linseed is crushed or processed into oil, the oxidation process accelerates and the crushed seeds or linseed oil can quickly become rancid. Due to the rapid oxidation, care should be taken to ensure that linseed is only ground with a mill shortly before consumption. Their hard shell is a good and important protection for the sensitive fatty acids. Always keep ground linseed in the fridge, well sealed and protected from oxygen. Linseed can also be processed into linseed flour, which can be used both for baking and in breakfast cereals. Linseed oil is also well known.

Linseed in a bag

Climate-neutral and environmentally friendly packaging

We pack our unground organic linseed in CO2-neutral, sustainable bags. The bags are made from over 80% renewable raw materials and are aluminum-free. A large proportion of the polymers that are otherwise frequently used are replaced by renewable raw materials, such as paper from sustainable forestry (FSC certified). The bags are manufactured under socially responsible conditions in Europe. The light-protected, environmentally friendly packaging can be resealed after the first opening and protects the aroma and quality of our linseed.

Alpha-linolenic acid for normal cholesterol levels

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has already approved the following health claims for ALA in the Health Claims Regulation: It contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. Just 2 teaspoons of linseed oil (3 g each) cover an adult's daily requirement of 2 g ALA. Care should be taken to ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.



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from Claus Sluka at 02.09.2021
Wir verwenden Leinsamen morgens in unser Müsli.Eine sehr gute Verpackung zum aufbewahren. Kann ich empfehlen.
from Gabriele Deffner at 30.08.2023
Leider war die Verpackung beschädigt und ein Teil des Leinsamen im Gesamtpaket verteilt
from Marcus Stephan at 16.07.2023
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