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ORGANIC Evening primrose press cake

Evening primrose press cake
EU Bio
  • with vegetable protein
  • free from additives
  • with unsaturated fatty acids and protein
  • obtained through gentle cold pressing
Evening primrose cake for horsesGamma-linolenic acid ensures a shiny coat.

The press cake, which is produced during the cold pressing of evening primrose seeds, is a high-quality feed for horses and is mainly used because of its positive effect on the immune system. Our organic evening primrose cake for horses is obtained from fully ripe seeds through gentle partial de-oiling by cold pressing. This very gentle cold pressing at below 40 °C preserves the valuable ingredients in their best form.

The essential fatty acids in evening primrose cake can have a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin and strengthen the immune system in the event of feed-related deficiencies. In addition, the change of coat can be supported by feeding the pressed cake regularly. The crude protein content of evening primrose cake is around 20 g per 100 g. The press cake also contains around 7 g per 100 g of valuable evening primrose oil and is therefore also an ideal supplementary feed for horses that are heavy feeders. The evening primrose oil contained in the fat content of the press cake supplies the skin with gamma-linolenic acid and helps to relieve itching, irritation and dry skin.

Feed supplement for horses and dogs

Our evening primrose cake can also be used as a feed supplement for dogs, although acceptance may vary from dog to dog. Ideally, the pellets should be mixed with dry or wet food. Be careful with black seed cake: Black seed oil and black seed cake are toxic to cats, as they cannot completely break down bitter substances, unlike horses and dogs.

Purely natural for humans and animals

In our oil mill, raw materials from controlled organic cultivation are processed into high-quality natural products. We do not add any additives. The evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) is an inconspicuous plant that often grows on roadsides, embankments and riverbanks, on scree slopes and along railroad tracks. It most probably came to Europe as a stowaway on merchant ships from America. The seeds of the evening primrose plant are particularly popular in naturopathy because of their gamma-linolenic acid content.

Feeding recommendation

We recommend a daily feed of 50-100 grams per pony or horse. The pellets can be fed pure or mixed into the feed (dry or soaked) and are also suitable as a treat. For dogs we recommend 3-5 g per 10 kg body weight. Please soak the pellets before feeding and mix them into the food. Start with a smaller amount to check whether your dog can tolerate the pellets. Please discuss the dosage with your vet if necessary. Always store in a cool, dry and well-sealed place.


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from Elke Streller at 03.01.2022
Von den Produkten selbst bin ich total überzeugt, es wäre aber schön, wenn zukünftig die Plasteeimerverpackungen vermieden werden könnten.
from Ulrike Rauh at 30.05.2022
Unsere Hunde lieben es. Muss allerdings länger eingeweicht werden, da sie es im harten Zustand nicht essen.
from Birgit Conrads at 02.08.2020
Ein kleiner zusätzlicher Snack, der dem Fell des Pferdes gut tut. Birgit Conrads
from Sigrid Ulbriicht at 30.04.2021
Isis mögen es.
from Silke Alexandra Menzel at 28.02.2022
Wir haben diese Presskuchen bestellt, da wir 2 Ekzemerpferde haben und Nachtkerze sich positiv auf Haut und Fell auswirkt. Leider haben diese Presskuchen einen ziemlichen Nachteil : sie sind extrem hart, die großen Stangen lassen sich nur schwer zerteilen und vor allem unser Fjord hat extreme Probleme, die harten Stücke zu... mehr >>
zerbeißen, da er unter einer Kiefergelenksarthrose leidet. Vielleicht ist es ja möglich, an der Beschaffenheit der Presskuchen etwas zu ändern oder alternativ ein Granulat zum füttern anzubieten ?
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