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ORGANIC Onion seasoning oil

Onion seasoning oil
EU Bio
  • Organic extra virgin olive oil from Italy
  • refined with a pleasant onion note
  • ideal for dressings, dips and marinades
  • on its own with bread as a starter
  • vegan, lactose- and gluten-free
4,87 of 5 stars
from 112 ratings
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Onion seasoning oil 100 ml
100 ml 6,50 €
Onion seasoning oil 250 ml
250 ml 10,90 €
6,50 €*
100 ml
65,00 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
10,90 €*
250 ml
43,60 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

The taste of fresh onions meets valuable oil from sun-ripened olives in our onion seasoning oil. The full-bodied, fruity olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. In combination with the pleasant onion note, this seasoning oil gives an exceptional aroma - ideal with pasta, pizza and vegetables.

The oil should not be heated too much, otherwise the delicate aromas may be lost. This seasoning oil gives cold and hot dishes an aromatic onion note and makes the dishes a hearty taste experience.

The seasoning oil is an oil extract. The ingredients from the fresh onion are released by soaking it in our Italian olive oil, which creates the full-bodied taste of the onion seasoning oil.

Goodbye tears

Cutting onions often causes eyes to sting and tears to flow, which is due to the essential oils they contain being released. Our onion olive seasoning oil adds a subtle onion flavor to dishes easily and without causing tears.

Mild, sweet or spicy in taste

The onion consists largely of water, contains hardly any fat and, in addition to essential oils, also contains vitamins and minerals. In addition to the white and red onion, there are also the silver onion, the shallot, the pearl onion and the spring onion. Each variety has its own appearance and taste. They can taste mild, sweet or spicy. A combination of red and golden onions is used in the seasoning oil.


Not all olive oils are the same

The basis of our onion seasoning oil is extra virgin olive oil from controlled organic cultivation, which is obtained in Italy using traditional methods. This high-quality oil has a fruity taste and is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids.

In addition to the organic origin of the raw materials and careful processing, good olive oil is above all a question of personal taste. Fruity, full-bodied, grassy-fresh, tart or slightly bitter - the taste of olive oil can vary depending on its origin, the degree of ripeness of the olives, the weather conditions or the variety of the popular stone fruit.

In our olive oil range you will also find


Onion olive seasoning oil gives cold and hot dishes a fine onion note. It is ideal for preparing sauces, dips and salad dressings. It also harmonizes with pasta, pizza and vegetable dishes. It is also a real treat on its own with bread.



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from Anita Woznica at 24.10.2023
Sehr aromatisch!
from Christiane Arnold at 12.07.2023
😃 Super, kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. Kein brennen im Hals. Es schmeckt sehr natürlich . 👍 Ich kenne Öle, wenn ich die aufmachen, haben die eine große Öffnung. Diese Flasche hat einen kleinen Ausguss. Sehr gut zu portionieren. Da kommt einem nicht das ganze Öl entgegen. 👍😃Mit guten Gewissen kann ich euch die... mehr >>
Ölmühle empfehlen!!!!
from Ursula Stampfuß at 07.10.2023
Das ist mein Favorit. Wer Zwiebeln verdauungsbedingt nicht vertragen kann und immer nach dem Verzehr aufstossen muss,der ist mit diesem Öl auf der sicheren Seite.Ob Quark oder Salat voller Zwiebelgeschmack und kein lästiges Aufstossen mehr.DANKE DAFÜR
from Christina Dudek at 18.06.2023
Das neue Öl ist mega lecker. Ich habe frischen Blumenkohl damit mariniert und im Backofen geröstet. Das war richtig richtig lecker. Ich kann nur jedem an Herz legen es zu bestellen und auszuprobieren.
from Sabine Opitz at 03.08.2023
Hatte bei einer Bestellung eine Probe dabei. Anschließend gleich bestellt. Im Moment mein Lieblingsöl. Es schmeckt richtig nach Zwiebeln. Am liebsten mag ich es mir den Fruchtessigen.
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